
Google Page Rank is a somewhat popular statistic that brands and bloggers use to understand the value of their site. With all the updates Google has done in the last years, Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and now the guest posting madness, ranking high has become more challenging. There are many benefits for working to improve your Google Page Rank. One is that it can help your rankings in the search engines. If you have a unique post and your PR is higher than other pages trying to rank for the same term, it is likely your post will be listed higher in the search results. Today we will discuss some really effective tips to increase page rank of your blog/site. 

 Write Unique Contents

You must have heard that "Content is King". Contents of you post matters a lot in SEO and will display in top search results in search engines. Anyone coming to your site and finds a unique and informative content then definitely he/she will link and share your post to others and on their sites too. Unique content that can help you to get higher traffic from search enginesgetting good position in Google SERP and high page rank.

 Improving Of Site Placement In Google Search Results

Backlinks Pointing To Your Site

in a previous post, we wrote about building and getting high quality backlinksBacklink also plays an important role in getting high page rank. The most important thing you've to note in your mind is that the webpage which is having backlinks of your blog should be relevant and have related topic with your blog. In other words, you can say that you've to get backlinks from such webpages which should have same contents as of your blog. Otherwise instead of increasing page rank, your blog traffic can go down because that's irrelevant backlinks. 
Recommended: Importance of Dofollow and Nofollow Links

Your Site Title Tag

Google seems to give weight to the title of your page. By title, I mean the text that is sandwiched between the HTML <TITLE> tags in the <HEAD> section of your web page. It should be a keyword related to your blog/site and by this i mean the words people will use when searching for your site. For example, if my site gives tips and tricks about SEO tips, then one keyword for it would be "SEO".

 Maximum Guest Postings

Backlinks from other quality sites will allow your blog to receive a higher page rank. While there is no set amount of links to get, one of the best ways of doing so is to guest post for other bloggers. The goal is to post your content on a site within your niche that will allow a dofollow link back to your blog. Google’s bots will find these links, which you should accumulate over time, and they will favor your site more than blogs with fewer/no backlinks. 

 Optimization Of Internal Linking

Internal links are the best way to properly indexed your pages/posts in search engines. You should try to improve internal linking of your blog. That can be done by many methods. Adding related posts widget, popular posts widget, recent posts widget, proper navigation menu and linking old posts in newer posts are the most famous methods to do proper internal linking. The most important thing that you need to do always in that linking the posts of your blog with each other.
Must Read: What are Internal Links and How to improve Internal Linking

 Consistent Blogging

A blog that is constantly updated will likely get a higher page rank that one that is not. That also depends on the content type, content length and niche of your blog that how much gap there should be between posts. Make sure to give Google’s bots something new to crawl every few days so they will know that you are running an active site. While posting regularly, you should also take care of content quality so don't lose content quality and try to publish unique and unseen posts only. 

 Dont Follow Offmap Routes

There are many Shortcuts available to get high page rank which can give boost to your blog/page temporarily and in long term end result will be Penalizaing by Google. So, always apply above mentioned methods to improve your page rank and never give a try to Shortcuts. Now a day Google is more clever than we used to be so never try it.

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