
You might have noticed during web surfing that sometime you click on a link and you get a warning that site which you are trying to access has malicious contents. Well, that is Safe Browsing Service by Google if you are using Google Chrome. Similarly other browsers have their own. So, Google has  updated their Safe Browsing service to protect users from malicious contents and viruses. Now while surfing on web, Google Chrome users will now receive a warning before entering a website which may contain harmful contents and viruses or which can download such software into the user’s browser.
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 What is Google Safe Browsing ?

Google SafeBrowsing is a service initiated by Google since 2008, wherein all websites which have malicious content, virus and malware are included in a list, which is used by all browsers to warn their users against clicking these websites. Besides Chrome, Apple’s Safari, Firefox Mozilla, Opera also use this list of URLs and safeguard their users.
In 2014, SafeBrowsing updated their offerings by warning users before a harmful software gets downloaded in their system or when they were about to open a website which may download illegal and unsafe software through the browsers, through this message:


Google announced this new update via Google’s Official Online Security Blog and shared three crucial updates:
  • Chrome users will see a warning before they click a website affected by virus
  • Google Search will incorporate these warnings, and the users would be notified right at the Google Search result pages
  • Google Adsense will now stop showing advertisements in these virus affected websites
The new warning message which will be displayed from now on:

Google warning Harmful Programs

Webmasters are encouraged to check the warnings received via Google Webmasters Tool, and to verify the SafeBrowsing status of their websites via Google’s diagnostic tool: For example, to test mybloggingtips, you can do (replace with your own website address)
Once the test is conducted, Google will clearly let user know the details of whether a site was infected or had malicious software on the site in last 90 days!

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