
if you've professional design some readers can love it and will visit your blog again and again or they will easily become your big fan as it shows professionalism. Well, design is not everything but the most important thing is content that you provide and yes! There should also be great way to produce content to your readers, subscribers and everyone. Hence, There are many tools in the post editor that can help you to prepare content that will be in proper way but ever thought about implementing content tabs between your posts? This is also useful idea and can do well management in setting up content on your blog. 

Pure CSS3 Content Tabs For Blogger

Putting content in tabs between posts is very useful as it helps to add different categories content in a single box and it also saves the space. The content tabs widget that we're sharing today looks neat clean and has a bit of Flat UI combination. It contains only sky blue color and have 4 tabs. You can put this widget in your post to serve content of different 4 categories as tabs will help you to differentiate the content. This is made with pure HTML5 and CSS3 that are most latest version of web development languages. This content tabs widget gets fixed in any post and it doesn't how long you put the content in every tabs, It will just grow more and more. It also has an effect while changing the tab that brings more beauty.

How To Add Pure CSS3 Content Tabs in Blogger?

  1. Go To Blogger >> Create New Post >> HTML Tab
  2. Copy The Following Code 
  3. Paste It in The HTML Tab
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/><div class="tabbed-view">  <form>    <div class="tab-container orange">      <label class="tab-label">        <input checked="checked" class="tab-radio" name="page" type="radio" value="page5" />      </label>      <br />      <h2 class="tab">        Tab 1 Heading      </h2>      <article class="tab-page" id="page5">        Tab 1 Content Goes Here      </article>           <label class="tab-label">        <input class="tab-radio" name="page" type="radio" value="page6" />        <h2 class="tab">          Tab 2 Heading        </h2>        <article class="tab-page" id="page6">          Tab 2 Content Goes Here        </article>         </label>       <label class="tab-label">        <input class="tab-radio" name="page" type="radio" value="page7" />        <h2 class="tab">          Tab 3 Heading        </h2>        <article class="tab-page" id="page7">          Tab 3 Content Goes Here        </article>        </label>       <label class="tab-label">        <input class="tab-radio" name="page" type="radio" value="page8" />        <h2 class="tab">         Tab 4 Heading        </h2>        <article class="tab-page" id="page8">          Tab 4 Content Goes Here        </article>        </label>      </div>  </form></div>
  1. Find The Highlighted Lines In The Above Code
  2. Replace Them As Instructed
  3. You'll Need To Change Tab Heading and Tab Content Of Every Tab
  4. Prepare The Post
  5. Publish!

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