
Facebook is a famous social site and used worldwide. While using Facebook, we upload many photos, videos and make albums. It also happens that sometimes we, intentionally or unintentionally, delete our photos, videos or chat messages. This deletion can't be undone. But today, I am going to share a cool trick to recover your deleted messages, photos and videos. So, lets learn the trick.

RecommendedHow to disable Seen Receipt on Facebook Messages
  • First of all go to your facebook profile setting. Click here
  • Click on the "Download a copy" as you can see in above picture.
  • It will ask you to download your archive.
  • Now, click on the "Start My Archive" button.
  • It will require you to enter your password. 

  • After entering the password, click on submit.
  • After that, facebook will send you an email with download link to your archive.
  • Download your archive and unzip it.
  • You will find in the folder all your photos, videos and messages.

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I hope it will help you to recover your deleted messages and albums from facebook. If it help you a little then please like and share this post with your friends.

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